
Creed Announces €12m Basic Payment Refund to 98,000 Farmers

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today announced that the payment of €12.4 million to approximately 98,000 farmers has commenced. This money was deducted from their 2014 Single Payment Scheme (SPS) payments under the Financial Discipline rule.

Minister Creed said ‘I am pleased to confirm that the Financial Discipline deduction totaling €12.4million from the 2014 SPS payment will now be reimbursed to 2015 applicants.’ The Minister added that these payments “will bring the total paid to Irish farmers under the Basic Payment Scheme since payments commenced in October 2015 to €1.2 billion”.

Minister Creed also noted that arrangements are at an advanced stage for the issuing of the first installment of 70{b28040870e2dde01f25bc5b483275391226143b34751c4bb8f1feeecaec925a1} of the 2016 BPS from 16 October, and added “the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme saw a further increase in the number of online applications to over 100,000. My Department will continue to roll out online applications in 2017 given the range of benefits it brings for farmers.”

Finally, Minister Creed urged all farmers to respond as quickly as possible to the query letters which have been issuing in recent weeks to farmers who have an outstanding query on their 2016 BPS application. This will help to further speed up the issuing of payments to farmers.

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