
Cattle market becomes stable as UK Prices rise – IFA

According to the IFA, Cattle market becomes stable as UK Prices rise. IFA National Livestock Committee Chairman Angus Woods said the cattle trade is stable this week with factories paying a base of €3.80/3.85 for steers and €3.90/3.95 base for heifers.

Farmers are resisting price pressure from factories now so he said with very good grass growth and good thrive.

Angus Woods said cattle prices in our main export market in the UK continue to rise, up another 1p/kg last week. He said UK prices are now up 26p/kg since the end of April. He pointed out that UK cattle prices are up 13p/kg since the Brexit decision in late June. As of July 30th, the UK R3 steer price was €3.46/kg, which is equivalent to €4.30/kg.

On numbers, Angus Woods said the weekly kill was at 30,586, with the total kill running 26,203 ahead of last year’s levels. He said live exports are at 96,923 head.

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