
Farmer drowns in drainage ditch

The farm worker, Gary Coutts, 32, died at Mains of Annochie farm near Auchnagatt on 28th January 2016. Police were called to the scene and the Health and Safety Executive is investigating. Inquiries are under way and further details will be released when known.

Work in excavations and ditches gives rise to a risk of injury through the potential collapse
of the excavation or ditch sides, or due to water or gases that may be contained within the

Before work begins on excavations or work in ditches it should be planned to ensure that
workers are protected against collapse of the side or other risks associated with work in
the excavation. Battering back edges or supporting the sides of excavations reduces the
risk of collapse. To protect the public and other workers ensure that excavations are
adequately protected by fencing. Consider whether or not the contents of the trench or
ditch give rise to additional hazards, such as asphyxiation or drowning.
Provide information, instruction and training, together with adequate monitoring and
supervision, to support your safe system of work.

For more information on how to safely carry out excavations visit: http://www.hse.gov.uk/agriculture/topics/building.htm#_Excavation

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