
Woman (54) dies following tragic farm accident

Gardai have confirmed that a woman was killed in a farm accident in Galway yesterday.

Gardai in Headford Co Galway were called to an incident at 1pm yesterday July 16 2018 at Curracuggeen, Headford.

The incident occurred sometime between 6am and 12.45pm on the 16th.

A female (54) was tending to her cattle in a field and was apparently fatally injured by same.

A local Doctor attended the scene and pronounced death, her body has been removed to University College Hospital Galway.

News of the tragedy comes as Farm Safety Week takes place nationwide this week aiming to reduce the number of accidents on farms and bring about a change in culture that makes unsafe practices socially unacceptable.

Farm Safety Week is supported by a number of organisations, including the Irish Farmers Association, Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and members of the Farm Safety Partnership Advisory Committee.

Farming continues to have one of the poorest safety records of any sector in Ireland, last year 24 people lost their lives in farm accidents and twelve people have lost their lives so far in 2018.

Reacting to these figures, Joe Healy, IFA President said the statistics are stark but statistics don’t tell the whole story.

“They don’t tell you about the devastating impact a farm fatality has on families and communities; they don’t tell you the impact a farm accident can have on the rest of your life, on your ability to run the farm.

“Understanding the risks on and around a farm operation makes it easier to avoid dangers, and makes accidents less likely.

“However, all too often farmers do not recognise the risks on their farms, which makes it difficult to manage the problem. Sometimes, all that is needed is a fresh pair of eyes to help identify risks and to enable change”.

Full Story Here @ The Irish Independent

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