In this week’s exclusive podcast we had the pleasure of speaking to the Founder of AgriKids, Alma Jordan. 

Along with AgriKids, Alma is also actively involved with the IFA and is the Farm Safe Schools Coordinator at Agri Aware. 

More about AgriKids:

“The story of AgriKids begins in 2014 when Ireland was set to have its worst year on record for farm accidents. That year 30 people were to perish on Irish farms, five of those were children.

With much of her family involved in farming, founder, Alma Jordan became acutely aware that if things remained as they were her family may also become a farm accident statistic.  She wanted her family and farm families nationwide  to create conversations on farm safety in their homes and communities.

While involved with the Green Schools programme Alma witnessed how capable and influential our children are in teaching older generations. As children learned to reduce, reuse and recycle in the classroom and they were actively encouraging and educating their parents to do the same in the home.

Alma therefore devised a concept whose outcome would be to initiate a change in farm safety attitudes so communities could look to a sustainably safer future on farms – AgriKids was born and officially launched in June 2015.”

The podcast itself:

In this podcast, Alma, along with our Farm Safely editor, Jack Mullen, spoke about a host of different topics.

In the early part of the discussion, Alma talked us through what it is that she does on a daily basis and furthermore why she went about setting up AgriKids back in 2015.

One of the main points that seemed to pop up over and over again was that of the issues that are facing families involved in the agri sector and how Alma and her colleagues have attempted to address these issues over time. In addition to these issues, Alma was also quick to point out how AgriKids has tried actively promote a farm safety culture which she said can often be instigated by education and empowerment.

The issue of covid was also brought up. The question of how has both farm safe schools and AgriKids have adapted to the developments that have taken place over the past 12 months was speculated upon by Alma.

In the latter part of the conversation, Alma was given the difficult of task of predicting what she thought the future held for agri safety in relation to children, and more specifically safety standards. This answer yielded some incredible insights.

If you wish to find out more or listen to the podcast, please see here or see the link below.

The author:

Jack Mullen Editor of Farm Safely
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