
Minister Hackett announces strong response to Organic Farming Scheme


Number of organic farmers in Ireland to increase by 20%

The Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Senator Pippa Hackett has revealed that 317 farmers have applied to convert to organic farming under the Department of Agriculture organics scheme which closed last weekend.

Announcing the number and revealing the strong geographical spread of the applications, the Minister said,

“If all those who applied are eligible and go ahead and convert, we will see an increase of more than 20% in the number of famers who will farm organically in Ireland supported by the Department’s Organic Farming Scheme. So between that and the geographical spread of applications being so broad, the indications are very positive. The breakdown by sector, and the land area involved, will only be available when the farmers’ 2021 Basic Payment Scheme applications are lodged later this month, but I’m very hopeful that all types of farming will be well represented. I also expect that we should be able to accommodate all the eligible farmers who wish to go ahead, subject to their applications meeting the criteria.”

The Minister secured funding of €4 million to facilitate the re-opening of the Organic farming Scheme this year. Increasing the number of farmers operating organically is a key element in the National Organic Strategy. It will further develop the organic sector and contribute to the Programme for Government target to align the area under organic production in Ireland with the EU average.

Commenting further on that target, the Minister added,

“Demand for all types of organic produce is strong right across both domestic and European markets. Organic farming also cuts down on input costs and is less intensive leading to a better lifestyle for many farm families. Because of this and indeed other advantages, I will continue to drive growth in the organic sector in any way I can.”


The author:

Jack Mullen Editor of Farm Safely
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