
GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme for 2018 Reopens For Applicants

The GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme 2018 is now open for applicants, announced the Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Michael Creed.

The principal objective of this scheme is to ensure that traditional farm buildings and other related structures that contribute to the character of the landscape, and are of significant heritage value, are conserved for active agricultural use.

Only farmers approved in the GLAS Scheme are eligible to apply.

Speaking about the announcement Minister Creed said:

“I was delighted to secure €1m in the Budget  for this very important scheme which will make a huge contribution to preservation of our rural heritage and the enhancement of the rural landscape.

“These are beautiful structures, made of local materials by local craftsmen, and I think we are all learning to appreciate the importance of this part of our heritage”.

The grants available range between €4,000 and €25,000 and can cover up to 75{b28040870e2dde01f25bc5b483275391226143b34751c4bb8f1feeecaec925a1} of the cost of the works.

Eligible applicants for the scheme are chosen on a competitive basis and around 50 to 70 projects will be supported each year.

The Scheme is jointly funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine and the European Union, and is administered on behalf of the Department by the Heritage Council.

The financial allocation to the Scheme is €6 million for the lifetime of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme (RDP).

The GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme builds upon the success of a similar scheme under  REPS4 (2007-2013).

This scheme saw over 350 buildings nationwide restored and over 140 previously unknown roosts of protected bird and bat species discovered and conserved.

The closing date for applicants is Friday, November 24th, 2017.

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