The past few months have been some of the worst on record for farm safety, with one death every two weeks.

Figures released by the Health and Safety Authority for reported deaths on farms in 2016 remained high, with 21, an increase from 18 in 2015.

These figures highlight once again, the dangers of farms and the importance of farm safety.

Dangers lurk everywhere on farms with extra pressures and stress of farming only amplifying these hazards, and can directly contribute to accidents and deaths.

With that in mind, That’s Farming Podcast speaks with farmer, safety & mental health spokesperson and professional sheep shearer, George Graham about farm safety and mental health, two huge issues facing farmers.

Graham and host John Connell discuss all the stresses and pressures of modern farming and the need for increasing dialogue and awareness around farm safety and mental health.

You can subscribe to That’s Farming Podcast over on iTunes & Soundcloud.

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