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Extension Of Fodder Transport Support Measures

The fodder transport support measures currently in place have been extended for an additional week by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed.

Both the Fodder Import and Fodder Transport support measures which were scheduled to conclude on Monday, April 30th will now run until Monday, May 7th.

The Minister had the following to say on the extended support measures:

”While the weather has improved and grass growth continues to improve significantly, there are farmers in some parts of the country who still need to locate fodder for their animals.

“Having reviewed the situation and listened to the views of members of the representative fodder group I established in March, I have decided that extending the closing date for the two measures for one further week is appropriate.”

Demand for fodder has reduced significantly. However, there remain some areas where land is not yet sufficiently dry to graze livestock and there is still a short term demand for fodder.

Concluding, the Minister reaffirmed that “these measures are effectively addressing issues around fodder availability”.

The Minister reminded farmers that the animal welfare emergency assistance continues to operate where animal welfare is seriously at risk via the emergency helpline numbers – Call Save  0761 064408 or phone 01 6072379.

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