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Donegal farmer wins Sustainable Farming Award

A Donegal farmer has been named as one of Ireland’s ‘greenest’ farmers at Bord Bia’s inaugural Origin Green Sustainable Producer Awards which took place on Friday night (October 21st).

Along with seven other beef and dairy producers, Ballyshannon farmer, Neville Myles’, grassland farm was chosen as one of the most sustainable, efficient and environmentally-friendly farms in the country, following a ceremony in Portlaoise attended by over 230 farmers and senior representatives from the farming and agri-food industry.

Nominated in the Suckler to Weanling/Store category, Neville’s manages a herd of 68 sucklers. He has been recognised for his grassland management and quality breeding, producing an average of 0.95 calves per cow this year.

A total of 28 farms from across the country were selected as finalists for the competition, from which eight producers were awarded as winners of their particular category.

As part of its Quality Assurance Scheme, Bord Bia conduct audits and carbon assessments each year on almost 60,000 beef and dairy farms. According to Bord Bia, the winning, and shortlisted entries, are among the top performing beef and dairy farms in the country particularly with regard to their carbon footprint, biodiversity and water management.

Opening the awards Bord Bia’s CEO, Aidan Cotter, commented: “We celebrate Irish farmers as champions of sustainable, quality assured and world class food production.

“Each of the 28 finalists is here on the strength, firstly, of the outstanding scores they achieved in their farm audits and, secondly, the truly impressive commitment they have shown to sustainability in their farming activities.

“That sense of leadership is what will help us win in the marketplace, is what brings us here tonight and makes this an opportune time to celebrate what is best in Irish farming.”

Full Story from the Donegal Farmer

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