
Commencement of GLAS Advance Payments Announced

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, has announced that the 2022 Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) advance payments have commenced. Just under €113 million in advance payments will be made this week to just under 32,600 farmers who are participating in the GLAS Scheme.

Commenting on the payments the Minister said, “I am very pleased that my department is commencing these GLAS Advance payments to just under 32,600 farmers. The payments this week will issue to 74.8% of GLAS participants and will reach farmers’ bank accounts in the coming days.”

“Issuing payments to farm families in a rapid manner is a key priority of mine and I am proud of our track record in this space. These payments are an important income boost to farmers at this time of year and, of course, are a recognition of their significant contribution to the environmental achievements in the GLAS scheme.”

GLAS delivers for Irish agriculture and our environment by supporting over 30 actions designed to benefit biodiversity, climate change mitigation and improve water quality.

Some of the key environmental measures carried out include:

• GLAS farmers manage over 250,000 hectares of Low Input Permanent Pasture.

• Over 60,000 hectares of Traditional Hay Meadows.

• Protect the quality of over 14,000km of watercourses.

• The support of the management and grazing of over 228,000 hectares of commonage and successfully protects rare breed populations and bird, bee and bat habits.

The Minister added, “this payment of just under €113 million brings the total payments made to date under GLAS to €1.29 billion. This investment will be surpassed in the incoming ACRES scheme where I have secured €1.5 billion for this flagship environmental scheme.”

Payments will continue to issue in outstanding cases on a regular basis. The Minister encouraged any farmers with queries in relation to GLAS to direct them by email to

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