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CAP 2023 Payment and Stocking Rate Calculators Available Online

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has developed payment calculators and a stocking rate calculator to help inform farmers of the changes in the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027.

The calculators are available on the Department’s website here.

The payment calculator allows farmers to calculate their indicative direct payments in 2023, including payment entitlement values. To complete the Payment calculator, you will need the following information:

• Number of hectares.

• Number of entitlements.

• Your BPS & greening value per entitlement.

The Stocking Rate calculator can be used to calculate stocking rates in terms of Livestock Unit and Kgs of Organic Nitrogen per Hectare. To complete the Stocking Rate calculator, you will need the following information:

• Total area in grassland and tillage you will farm in 2022.

• Expected livestock numbers and age per month in 2022.

Step by step guides have also been prepared for the CAP 2023 calculators and are available on the same webpage to support farmers with this change.

This month the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is hosting a series of nationwide in-person public information meetings and an online webinar about Ireland’s draft CAP Strategic Plan.

These public meetings will provide information about changes to direct payments, including entitlements, active farmer checks, agricultural activity and land eligibility changes, stocking rates, Eco-Schemes, details on the new Agri-Environmental Climate Measure (AECM), organic farming and other important information that farmers need to know now so that they can best prepare for 2023.

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