
Commencement of GLAS Balance Payments

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, has announced that the 2022 Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environmental Scheme (GLAS) balance payments have commenced this week. The payments come two months ahead of schedule. This means that over €22.1 million in balancing payments will be made to 36,500 farmers who are participating in GLAS.

Commenting on the payments the Minister said, “I am very pleased that we are commencing these GLAS balancing payments ahead of schedule to 36,500 farmers. The payments which will commence from Friday 10 March will issue to 84% of GLAS participants. Meeting our scheme payment commitments to farmers is a key priority of mine and this continues our excellent record in recent times on this. These payments are an important cashflow boost to farmers at this time of year and of course are a recognition of their contribution to the significant environmental achievements in GLAS.”

“These payments of just over €22 million brings the total payments made to date under GLAS to €1.35 billion. This investment will be surpassed in the incoming ACRES where I have secured €1.5 billion for this flagship environmental scheme. I was delighted to have secured places for 46,000 farmers in ACRES and I look forward to seeing ACRES commence in the coming weeks. The balancing payment represents the final 15% of the 2022 payment and completes the total payment for GLAS actions undertaken last year. This is the final year of GLAS payments as the Scheme ended on 31 December 2022.”

Payments will continue to issue in outstanding cases on a regular basis. The Minister encouraged any farmers with queries in relation to GLAS to direct them by email to

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